Friends and neighbors in Ambridge are cordially invited to an informational meeting to learn about the plans and purpose of the Trophimus Center on 899 Maplewood Avenue to be held on Monday, March 27, 2023, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in Room 101 of the Academic Center (parking lot off 11th Street) at the Trinity School of Ministry, 311 Eleventh Street, Ambridge, PA 15003. Questions can be directed to Laurie Thompson at 724-601-3522.
Please be aware that new stop signs have been installed at the intersection of Duss Avenue, 4th Street, and Melrose Avenue to improve the safety in that area. Use caution in the area while everyone gets used to the new signs.
The Borough of Ambridge is seeking applicants for the following positions:
Ambridge Public Works – Full Time Employment
Must have the following: Valid Pa. Driver’s License, a CDL must be attained within one year of employment.
Labor skills – Must be a self-starter. Must have ability to lift minimum 75 lbs. Snow Plowing skill is a plus. Must be able to operate light/heavy road and yard equipment. Experienced in some phase of masonry, concrete, sewer maintenance. Drug testing and background check prior to employment. Periodic drug testing after employment.
Ambridge Public Works – Part-Time Employment
Must have the following: Valid Pa. Driver’s License. Labor skills – must have ability to lift minimum 75 lbs. Must be a self-starter. Must be able to operate light/heavy road and yard equipment. Experienced in some phase of masonry, concrete, sewer maintenance. Drug testing and background check prior to employment. Periodic drug testing after employment.
Applications can be obtained at the Municipal Building Administration Office or on Borough website . Closing for applications will be open until position is filled.
The Borough of Ambridge is currently in the concept design phase of streetscape improvements for Merchant Street between 8th Street and 12th Streets. This project is the third phase of the Borough’s multi-phase revitalization initiative of the Borough’s primary commercial corridor. Improving the pedestrian experience and safety is a fundamental design feature aimed at revitalizing downtown Ambridge with improved sidewalks and crosswalks, ADA accessibility, lighting, street trees, plantings, and other attractive amenities. The Borough of Ambridge is hosting a public involvement event on Wednesday January 25th from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM to seek community input on the design concepts. The meeting will be held at the Borough of Ambridge Municipal Building located at 600 11th Street, Ambridge, PA. There will be an opportunity for the community to view concept plans and interact with the design team. Questionnaires will be provided for participants to provide comments and feedback on the overall streetscape design and components, providing an opportunity for the community to take part in the next major step in reshaping downtown Ambridge.
For additional information, contact: Mario N. Leone, Jr., Borough Manager, 724-266-4070
The Big Sewickley Creek Watershed Association (BSCWA) was selected to receive a $1,963 grant by BHT GT&S in partnership with the Western Pennsylvania Conservancy. These funds will allow the BSCWA to become a more recognized asset in the communities within the watershed and obtain marketing and stream cleanup materials. Additional details can be found in the following press release.
As previously announced by the Borough of Ambridge and Hudson Companies, Lenz Court Senior Apartments are coming to Ambridge in Fall 2023. These beautiful apartments offer affordable senior living for prospective residents (age 62+). Contact John Ganiear at 724-456-5836 to be place on the interest list to receive an application. More information will be available soon! Check out the flyer below for additional information.
Ambridge Heart & Soul has completed their community project of painting crosswalks in the Merchant Street area. We think the completed project looks great! Follow this link for more details on their Facebook page.
You can read more about the project in the following linked article.
The Bureau of Dog Law Enforcement is responsible for ensuring the welfare of dogs and puppies in licensed kennels. The Bureau also regulates activities pertaining to dogs that are classified as dangerous, and oversees annual licensure and rabies vaccinations for dogs.
Ignoring Pennsylvania’s rabies vaccination law can be costly – in more ways than one. Dogs and cats are exposed to the rabies virus through wild and stray animals, posing a threat to their health and yours.
These tips are provided by WesBanco. For more banking information contact your banking institution.
Part Time Crossing Guard wanted for Ambridge Area School, Ambridge Borough. 6:45AM – 9:00AM and 2:30PM – 3:45PM. Applicants must be able pass background check and obtain Act 33 and Act 34 clearances. Applications are available at the Ambridge Municipal Building Administration Office or on the Borough website at Closing for applications after position (s) are filled.
Our Current Resident Text Messaging System Will End December 31, 2021. We Will Be Implementing The New System January 1, 2022. Please Follow This Link If You Want To Continue To Receive Text Notices From The Borough Of Ambridge. You Can Also Go To Apple Play Store Or Google Play Store And Download
Ambridge Borough By Jake Young & Follow Instructions. You Will Then Automatically Receive Any Text Messages The Borough Generates.
Glass Recycling – Harmony Twp. Fire Dept.
Starting on Monday January 4, 2021, Waste Management will be the Borough’s new provider for our Garbage and Recycling Collection. The entire Borough will be collected on MONDAY’s. This means everyone will be required to place their Garbage and Recycling at the curb on Sunday no earlier than Noon for pick-up on MONDAY, all Garbage and Recycling containers must be returned to their stored location by Tuesday at Noon. Violators of this Borough Ordinance shall be subject to a citation and fine.
We are thanking you in advance for your cooperation with this change in service. We believe that going to a single day collection will help in our efforts to clean-up our Borough by reducing the aesthetics of having trashed placed at the curb 5 days a week throughout various neighbors of the Borough.
Additional information will be mailed in December from Waste Management with additional instructions and contact information. Please check back on this website for updates!
If you know someone who does not have access to Borough website or Facebook – please advise them of these new changes.
Police Officer
Part Time Borough Of Ambridge, Beaver County
The Borough Of Ambridge Is Now Accepting Applications For An Experienced Part-time Police Officer For A Steady 32 To 36 Hour A Week Position At $19.91 Per Hour.
The Borough Of Ambridge Is Also Accepting Applications For Part-time Police Fill In Officers. Applicants Must Complete Act 120 Training Prior To Hiring.
For Application, Contact The Borough Administration Offices Which Are Located At 600 11th Street Ambridge, Pa 15003. Submit Application And Resume, To: Part Time Police Officer Application, Borough Of Ambridge, 600 11th Street Ambridge, Pa. 15003.
Applicants May Also Obtain An Application On The Borough Website(Employment) At
Ambridge Borough Military Banner Program – Is Back Up And Running.
“ambridge Borough Has Always Taken Great Pride In The Men And Women Who Have Served Our Country In Its Times Of Need. Now We’d Like To Take This Opportunity To Invite You To Help Us Honor Your Friends And Family Who Have Served Our Great Country,” Stated Council President Michael A. Mikulich.
The Military Banner Program Proposed By Councilman Mikulich Salutes Our Brave Men And Women Who Are Currently Serving And Those Who Have Served In The Military By Creating And Displaying A 24” X 36” Military Banner To Be Exhibited Between Memorial Day And Veterans’ Day For Years To Come.
This Program Includes:
1) 1 – 24” X 36” Military Banner To Be Displayed By The Borough. It Is Proposed To Start Placing These Banners On Duss Avenue And The Gateways Into The Community Such As 11th, 8th And 4th Streets.
2) Two 12” X 18” Yard Banners For Your Personal Display
3) Web Presence On The Ambridge Borough Military Website At Http://
The One-time Cost To Join The Program Is $135. Additional Yard Banners $20.00 Each.
*please Note: No Requests Will Be Taken For Placement Location – Placement Is Next Available Location After Flag Received*
Application Can Be Found At
Ambridge Military Banner Program
Recycling Services
Recycling Bins: You should have received your large green container in December of 2018. If you did not receive your container you can call the Borough office 724-266-4070. We’ll check with the Public Works Dept. to see if we have any left for you. We suggest you mark you container with your address with permanent marker or stick on numbers. These are the property of Ambridge and should not be moved from your house if/when you move out of Ambridge.
We support recycling, but we firmly believe in the reduction of creating garbage and other waste products. When possible, please think about what you are buying. Do you really need this item? If possible, avoid purchasing bulky items or products that are in huge amounts of wrapping.
A Knox Box enables Ambridge Firefighters rapid entry to your home or business without damage if you’re not home or unable to open the door. Knox Box is a key safe mounted outside that can be unlocked only by the fire department. This is a VOLUNTARY alternative to forced entry, delayed entry or no entry when the fire department is called to your home or business for a fire alarm activation or medical emergency. Knox Boxes have been used by commercial properties for years. They are now available for homes and businesses protected by the Ambridge Fire Department. If interested in a Knox Box, the order forms are available by contacting the Ambridge Fire Chief, Rob Gottschalk at 724-266-4070 x204. Knox Boxes have recently been ordered and installed at Centria and Ringle’s Ceramics. Ambridge Borough Council created the voluntary Knox Box program earlier this summer. Photographed is the Knox Box at the Centria Plant.
Registering through the SWIFT911 web portal ensures that residents have access to the most immediate notice of an emergency in their area.
Lost Pets — Animal Control Complaints
Ambridge Borough has partnered with the Beaver County Humane Society to offer Animal Control Services within the community. The Humane Society will handle issues regarding domestic animals (cats and dogs) through the Ambridge Police Department. If you happen to have lost your pet or if you see a dog running at large within Ambridge, please call the Police Department’s non-emergency telephone number at 724-266-3270 to report the dog to Animal Control. The Humane Society will patrol Ambridge during their business hours, and domestic animals caught during the off hours will be held or transported by the Police Department to the Humane Society’s kennel. The Humane Society will also accept any owned animal brought to their Shelter.
Complaints regarding wildlife such as raccoons, bats, groundhogs, rodents, etc., on private property are the responsibility of the property owner to mitigate. There are a number of independent companies that perform this work for a nominal fee including Critter Control: local office contact is 724-775-5444.
Ambridge Borough Partners with TurnKey Taxes to Improve Tax Collection
TurnKey Taxes works with local governments across the Commonwealth to identify and collect missing revenue. Municipal revenue is collected through the taxes and fees charged to fund the community and its projects. And while emergencies occur, the annual budget process usually provides the necessary funding to cover all of the yearly costs in the community.
However, there are times when this much-needed reveneue is not collected. And in nearly all cases, this can be resolved through increased communication and more efficient processes. The Borough of Ambridge has hired TurnKey Taxes to work with us to bring all taxpayers current and build the processes to ensure that in the future, all taxpayers remain current.
There are three general classifications of taxpayers – property, business and individual. TurnKey will begin with business, which in the Borough of Ambridge are a vital cog of the budget process. Our focus will be on data, and we will make sure that everyone we work with has a clear understanding of the process – today and moving forward.
Once they complete their initial phase, they will work with the Administration and Council to organize and promote all of the businesses in Ambridge. TurnKey Taxes sent out its first mailings last week. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Borough Manager.
Ambridge Borough Building Complex
600 Eleventh Street
Ambridge, Pa 15003
Administration Office
Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
This Is the Official Site of the Borough Of Ambridge, Pennsylvania – Copyright © 2007-2024 Borough of Ambridge Designed by Mobilize 360 / J. Rene Creative