Many times we get phone calls concerning some of these items. You may find the answers to your questions here in this section. If not, please feel free to call our office.

Where can I dispose of unused prescription medications?

U.S. Department of Justice – Drug Enforcement – Office of Diversion Control has made it easy for you to find disposal locations. Click here and simply enter your zip code and it will offer the closest drop-off point.

During what hours are the Borough Administration Offices open?

Monday through Friday, 8:00 am – 4:00 pm, except for holidays and emergencies.
Offices are located at the Ambridge Municipal Complex
600 11th Street
Ambridge, PA 15003

How do I get rid of raccoons and other critters?

Problems with non-domestic critters such as raccoons, squirrels, groundhogs, snakes, opossums, skunks, bats, etc... one option is to contact Critter Control — 724-775-5444 (Freedom) or 412-676-4067 (McCandless )

*NOTE: The Borough does not pay for this service. If you have “critter” problems, there is a charge for their service.

How do I make a complaint about a nuisance, health, or code violation?

The Code Enforcement Department handles all issues dealing with Code Violations and Health Inspections, including but not limited to high grass/weeds, garbage/trash, nuisances, and public health issues.

For information or to make a complaint, contact the Borough Administration Office at 724-266-4070

For noise issues, call the Police Non-Emergency number at 724-266-3270

How do I contact the District Justice (Magistrate’s) Office?

The District Justice’s Office for District 36-1-01 (Ambridge, Baden & Harmony Twp.) is located at 650 11th Street Ambridge, PA 15003, near the Ambridge Police Department’s side of the Borough Building. (It is NOT inside the Borough Building.)

Office hours: Monday – Friday

9:00 am - noon and 1:00 pm – 5:00 pm


Do I need a permit for a POD or a dumpster?

Yes. According to Borough Code §265-1, a permit is required if you want to park a POD or dumpster on a public street to ensure fire trucks or ambulances can get through should the need arise.

If you are putting it on your driveway or property – no permit is required.

Where do I apply for a dog license?

Dog licenses are handled by the Beaver County Treasurer’s Office. Forms are available at Borough Administration Offices, or on the Beaver County Treasurer’s Office Web site at

Cats do not require a license.

How long will it take once my application is submitted to receive my permit?

Depending on which permit you are seeking, a dumpster permit can be picked up within 24 hrs. Building permits, however, take longer. The application for a building permit must go to the Borough engineers. Some of the permit applications can be found here.

What do I need to apply for a permit?

There are forms available in the Administration or the Code Enforcement office for permits, Some of the permit applications can also be found here.

What is the procedure for roof downspout removal?

Click to obtain instructions on removing downspouts from sanitary sewers. 

When do I need a permit?

The best way to know when you need a permit is to call the administration office and talk with the Code Enforcement Officer. He can advise you on your project.

When do I need an inspection?

Most of the time, you will need an inspection when you need to apply for a permit. However, some permits do not require inspections. The best way to decide if it's necessary is to call the Administration office or ask when you apply for the permit.

Why do I need a permit?

Mostly for safety reasons. We want to be sure that if you are doing the work yourself it is being done in the safest possible manner, or if you are having someone else do the work for you they are proceeding safely.

When is recycling picked up?

Recycling services are provided by the Borough’s contracted refuse hauler. Recycling is picked up every week on your scheduled trash pick-up day. To learn more about garbage and recycling, click here.

Animal Control

Call our administration office at 724-266-4070. They can direct you to right person who would handle your situation.

Can I hang our event sign on a Borough fence?

You must first get permission from Council to hang any type of sign on a Borough fence. Be sure to make your request in writing and it must be received at least 5 days PRIOR to a Council meeting (please check the calendar for meeting dates). Any signs hung without permission will be taken down without notice. Your sign must meet certain standards. Please take your sign down after the event. We can not store you sign for you. Any sign left more than 5 days after the event will be taken down and thrown away. Call the Borough office for details.

Can I rent Pavilions or Gazebos for the parks?

Yes. However, a permit is required.

The fees are:

Ambridge Resident - $30.00 for the permit and $20.00 cleaning & key deposit

Non-Resident - $45.00 for the permit and $20.00 cleaning & key deposit

Deposits will be refunded if you leave the Gazebo CLEAN & Return the Key within 48 hours of the rental day.

Deposits will be returned to you via check in the mail within 5 days of the next Council meeting (following your event).

You may obtain a permit by contacting the Borough Administration Office at 600 11th Street or calling 724-266-4070.

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