Below you'll find options for places to worship in the Borough of Ambridge. We have added what contact information we could for your convenience.

Ambridge First Methodist Church

649 Maplewood Ave - www.umc.org/find-a-church/church/16204  

Ambridge United Presbyterian Church

823 Maplewood Ave - www.pcusa.org/congregations/10393/

Beth Samuel Jewish Center

810 Kennedy Drive - http://bethsamuel.org/

Allison Park Church

235 Merchant Street - www.allisonparkchurch.com/home/campus/about

Chapel on Merchant St.

452 Merchant Street - www.facebook.com/chapelonmerchantstreet/timeline

Christian Missionary Alliance Church

901 Merchant Street  - 724-266-2329

Church of the Savior

420 Maplewood Ave - www.cotsambridge.org/

First Baptist Church of Ambridge

247 Eleventh St - http://faithfamilyjesus.com/churchprofile.php?ChurchID=341671

First Presbyterian Church

899 Maplewood Ave - 724-266-1900

God's Field Church

7812 Merchant St - www.godsfieldchurch.com

Good Samaritan RC Church

725 Glenwood Ave - www.goodsam1.org/

Greater Dominion Services

408 Melrose Ave - www.facebook.com/Bishopcrumb

Holy Ghost Orthodox Church

210 Maplewood Ave - www.holyghostoca.org/  

Islamic Center of Ambridge

300 Maplewood Ave - www.islamicfinder.org/phone/getitWorld_phone.php?id=93148

New Hope Community Church

592 Beaver Rd - www.4newhope.org/ 

Spoken Word Assembly

239 Merchant Street - 724-590-0925 www.spokenwordassembly.com

SS Peter & Paul Byzantine Catholic Church

406 6th Street - www.sspeter-paul.com/

St. John the Baptist Orthodox Church

450 Glenwood Ave - 724-266-2879

St. John's Lutheran

1320 Church St - 724-266-5618

St. Mary's Byzantine Catholic Church

624 Park Rd - 724-266-8642

St. Mary's Coptic Church

995 Melrose Ave - www.copticchurch.net/topics/directory/church.php?show=108

St. Vladimir Orthodox Church

319 9th Street - 724-266-8330

Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry

311 11th St - 724-266-3838

Valley Christian Fellowship

348 Maplewood Ave - Services Sundays 11:00 am

Victory Baptist

290 7th Street - 724-869-5228

Zion First Evangelical Lutheran Church

798 Park Rd - 724-266-8378

If we have unintentionally missed your place of worship, please contact us with the information and we’ll be more than happy to add it.

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