600 11th Street
Ambridge, PA 15003
Dispatch: 724-266-3270
Fax: 724-266-0860
EMERGENCY – Dial 911
“Recognizing the inalienable rights of all and our oath to protect life, liberty and property, we officers of the Ambridge Police Department pledge service and partnerships with the citizens, merchants and visitors in Ambridge Borough to maintain the highest quality of individual, political and economic life through honest, fair and effective delivery of our sworn duties.”
Seems like there is a new scam in the news every day. They target everyone but most people will not give up money or their private information such as social security numbers, bank accounts and/or credit card numbers. However, there are those few that think it sounds like a great deal and give up their information. These scammers try to target older people, why??? Because these scammer are fast slick talkers and the older generation seem to trust everyone.
Let it be said that NO LEGITIMATE company from whom you may have won money from will ask you to put up your money first or send them “gift cards” before they can send you the prize money. DO NOT give them your checking or savings account numbers so they can direct deposit, they will clean out your account faster than you can blink your eyes.
What you should do is… HANG UP THE PHONE. Report the scam to your local police department. DON’T BE THEIR NEXT VICTIM.
Recently, it was reported to our police department that there is a PUBLISHER CLEARING HOUSE scam. Here is their website telling you all about the scammers using their name.
Here is a link to the CONSUMER PROTECTION advice on scams.
When you are faced with what you think is a scam – report it. Like the old saying is true “If it seems too good to be true – it probably is a a fake”
Tips from the Ambridge Police Department
This holiday season, don’t let the spirit of giving lull you into giving burglars, muggers and pickpockets a better chance to do their dirty work. Crooks love the holidays as much as everyone else, especially because it’s an opportune time for crime.
Homes are jam-packed with glittering gifts. Stores and streets are teeming with unsuspecting shoppers. People are rushing around, stressed out and careless, looking for last-minute gifts, trying to get everything done. It’s enough to make a crook giddy with holiday joy.
Here are some tips on how to celebrate safely this holiday season:
Burglars know that many households have new, and oftentimes expensive, items in their homes following the December holidays—especially items such as new computers and peripherals, stereo components, televisions, cameras and other electronic equipment. In too many cases, residents make it easy for burglars to figure out which homes to target by putting boxes that identify their new gifts in plain view with their other garbage. Avoid becoming an easy target for post-holiday burglars by not leaving boxes for new electronics and other items in the garbage pick-up locations for several days at a time. Instead, break down any boxes you are throwing out, put them in garbage bags and place them inside a trash can. (In many cases, especially with computer equipment, you might consider keeping the boxes for safe storage, shipping or moving in the future.) Think about keeping broken-down boxes inside—in a garage, for example—until the evening before your regular garbage pick-up. Some burglars actually look inside garbage cans for evidence of holiday gifts. And, of course, if you see someone suspicious casing your alley or if you see a burglary in progress, call the Ambridge Police Department at 9-1-1.
The holiday season is a time of celebration and revelry. Drinking and driving is a danger to yourself and everyone on the road. Drugs, even if lawfully prescribed, can impair your ability to drive safely. Remember that the risk isn’t worth it—if you choose to drink alcohol at a party, don’t drive; take a cab, use public transportation or a designated driver. Have fun, but remember to celebrate responsibly.
Ambridge Borough Building Complex
600 Eleventh Street
Ambridge, Pa 15003
Administration Office
Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
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