Right-Of-Way Maintenance

Public Works provides Borough-wide maintenance to all traffic islands, roadside mowing, and some plantings, in addition to maintenance of tree trimming for utility clearance.

Parks & Fields

Ambridge Borough supports parks and fields with hundreds of acres for the use and enjoyment of Borough residents and organizations. Because the intent of the neighborhood parks is for pedestrian access, limited parking is available.

If fees or special regulations for use of any of the locations have been set, residents may obtain permits for use from the Borough. Non-resident use is by written permission only to ensure proper scheduling and availability. Learn more about park rental.


Public Works provides maintenance for the Ambridge Borough building,  which houses the Administrative Offices, the Police Department, the Fire Department, the Ambridge Water Authority Offices, the Municipal Authority Offices, and the Veteran’s Affairs Offices.

The Public Works Department does not have a phone number that residents can call. Please contact the Borough office at 724-266-4070 and we will relay the message to our Public Works foreman.

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